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  • +44 454 7800 112
  • support@ebizinternational.com
  • 50 Wall Street Suite, 44150 Ohio, United States


Welcome to EBIZ International


EBIZ International , our aim is to achieve a comprehensive comprehension of your company’s requirements. As a result, we possess a strong belief that our well-known B2B and B2C support offerings will surpass your expectations in nearly all domains where outsourcing has expanded its reach.

We are your team in business


Each business is unique and each of them have separate requirements. It is therefore important to have a more nuanced product offering that can suit diversified needs. EBIZ is dedicated to assisting you throughout your customer journey, ensuring that each interaction is optimized with the ideal blend of personnel and technology. This approach enables your progress and enduring success. We will serve you with integrity and professionalism to ensure that all your matters are handled with care and utmost confidentiality. We are committed to support your growth and endeavor to be your reliable and trusted partner today and for generations to follow.

Shared Services


Remote Staffing

We Believe That Running A Business Shouldn't Take Over Your Life!

At Systems and Outsourcing, we understand that businesses often face challenges due to their inability to locate suitable individuals and encounter difficulties in consistently achieving high-quality work.

To address these issues, we have introduced the Systems For Outsourcing Methodology. This approach empowers entrepreneurs to excel by harnessing uncomplicated systems and cost-effective remote professionals, allowing them to thrive in their endeavors

Global Outsourcing Capital

Selecting the Perfect Outsourcing Model for Your Need

At our core, we recognize the intricate demands of modern businesses, and our mission is to provide tailored outsourcing solutions that seamlessly integrate into your operations. Whether you’re seeking to streamline processes, access specialized expertise, or scale your workforce, our platform offers a comprehensive range of services to meet your needs. Backed by a network of skilled professionals, cutting-edge technology, and a commitment to excellence, we’re here to empower your business’s growth and success

Outsource All Your Customer
Service Needs

The outsourcing sector has undergone significant transformation over the past ten years. It has transcended its initial role as a mere call center industry and has now emerged as a genuine offshoring strategy. The effectiveness of outsourcing in the Philippines is currently causing a convergence of roles between front office, middle office, and back office functions.

We’re Everywhere You Need Us to Be

Ready to jumpstart your business? Contact our team for consultation and we’ll send you a free quote.